Young REP

The Young Repertory Theatre Training Program celebrated its 50th year in 2023 and continues to train and develop students interested in the theatre arts as a vocation or serious avocation. Our program offers a Morning Program, as well as optional Performance Workshops (Musical Theatre and Acting) in the afternoon. Students may participate in one, some or all of our programs!

This year’s program runs June 10 – July 25, 2024
During a six-week intensive training period, students aged 12-20, will learn from an outstanding instruction team of theatre professionals include: Directors, Actors, Coaches, Choreographers, Designers, Technicians and Playwrights.

Well-known as a professional training ground Young REP teaches the discipline, concentration and skill necessary to all areas of theatre. Students will have the opportunity to explore and grow as individuals and ensemble performers. Class exercises and projects will focus on the assessment and effective use of the actor’s basic skills in voice, movement and characterization.

Actor Training Program (M-F 9:30am-noon)
Musical Theatre Performance Workshop (M/W/F 1-4pm)
Actor's Performance Workshop (T/Th 1-4pm)

Young REP

Updated on 12/08/2022 12:17 PM


  • Admission is based on the application and audition/interview.
  • Audition dates for the 2024 program took place March - May 2024
  • To reserve your audition time: Click here to sign up for a 15 to 20-minute time slot. (2024 signup is now closed)
  • Please complete the online audition information form at least 1 day prior to your audition. You will be asked to submit a headshot, resume, and paragraph stating what the student hopes to accomplish by participating in the program.
  • Audition/interview requires a memorized monologue, 1-2 minutes in length from a published play reflecting careful preparation, imagination and honesty.
  • If the student is interested in the Musical Theatre program, please be prepared to sing 16 bars of anything a capella.
  • Auditions are held at the Lesher Center for the Arts, 1601 Civic Drive, Walnut Creek, CA.
  • "I am and always will be grateful for my summers at Young REP. From friendships I have made, to the countless tools and life skills I have learned, and to the inspirational teachers! Young REP has been more than an acting training program for me. I have found myself and discovered my true direction and passion here.”
    Sara Taylor, 07/25/2021

2024 Tuition

Individual Program Prices

Morning Actor Training (M-F): $810
Afternoon Actor's Performance Workshop (T/Th): $930
Afternoon Musical Theatre Performance Workshop (M/W/F): $1015

Multiple Program Prices

Morning Actor Training and Musical Theatre Performance Workshop: $1650
Morning Actor Training and Afternoon Acting Workshop: $1565
Musical Theater and Afternoon Acting Workshop: $1750

All 3 Programs (Morning Actor Training, Afternoon Actor's Performance Workshop, and Afternoon Musical Theatre Performance Workshop): $2350


A limited number of scholarships are available for Young REP participants who live in Contra Costa County and meet maximum household income requirements.

Learn more about scholarships